Srpski sportski centar Kizboro Obaveštenje o održavanju Godišnje skupštine

Serbian Sports Centre Incorporated(Reg.No.A0006566F) 


NOTICE is given to all voting members of the Serbian Sports Centre Inc. that Annual General Meeting (“the AGM”) of  the members of the Serbian Sports Centre Inc. (“the SSC”) will be held on Sunday 28 March 2021, at 2 pm at 310-322 Perry  Road Keysborough VIC 3173 

At the Annual General Meeting the matters will be tabled as per the following agenda: 

  1. Opening speech; 
  2. Election of the Chairperson who is responsible for supervising the vote –administering the process and who shall provide  advice to members regarding general conduct of the AGM, including advices: 
  • that voting is by show of hands and that only voting members may vote
  • that member entitled to attend and vote at the general meeting may appoint a person to attend and vote at the meeting  as the member’s proxy. Completed SSC Proxy forms shall be delivered to SSC Secretary no later than 2 clear  days before AGM. A proxy must be a member of the SSC
  • That, in accordance with section 64 of the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (Vic), the proposed Special  Resolution (outlined under the agenda Item 7.) must be passed by three quarters (75%) of the members who are  present at the meeting (in person or by proxy) and entitled to vote in respect of the resolution, and who do vote. Further, that at any general meeting of an incorporated association at which a special resolution is proposed, a  declaration by the Chairperson that the resolution has been passed is conclusive proof of the fact. 
  • that only person/s authorised by the SSC Managing Committee may video and audio record the AGM; that any reference to the Act in this Notice is reference to Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (Vic)
  1. Formal verification and adoption of Minutes of the Special General Meeting held on 01/02/2019
  2. Receive and consider the Report of the SSC Managing Committee on the management of the Serbian Sports Centre Inc.  in the period from 01/02/2019 to 28/03/2021 which will include: 

(a) Report on financial performance and financial position of SSC as at 28/03/2021 

presented by the Treasurer, Mr Bojan Jovanovic; 

(b) Report on general management presented by the Secretary, Mr Goran Nikolic; 

(c) Report on SSC legal compliance with the summary of applicable legislative provisions presented by  Mr Petar Trifkovic, Executive Member -Legal Compliance, which will include: 

(i) actions taken in relation to Planning and Building Orders imposed by the City of  

Greater Dandenong Council in March 2019; 

(ii) compliance with SSC licencing requirements;  

(iii) progress of the SSC Planning Applications; 

(iv) SSC response in regards to the responsible government grants authority’s request for  

accountability report regarding spending funds grants of $40,000.00 (roof repairs and  

connection of natural gas) and $18,000.00 (basketball hall flooring) received and misused by  

the previous SSC Management Committee. 

(d) summary of actions taken in regard to non-compliance of the previous SSC’s Managing Committee’ (e) SSC’s new Managing Committee achievements in this respect for period 01/02/2019 – 28/03/2021; 

  1. Receive SSC’s Annual Statements for years ending 30 June 2017, 30 June 2018, 30 June 2019 and 30 June 2020 (presented by the Treasurer), to consider those Annual Statements and, if thought fit, pass the First Ordinary  Resolution as follows: 
“That the members hereby approve and adopt SSC’s Annual Statements for years ending 30 June 2017, 30 June  2018, 30 June 2019 and 30 June 2020”


  1. Receive summary of terms and conditions of and to consider offer for financial assistance, support and cooperation by Serbian Orthodox Church Keysborough, and, if thought fit, pass the Second Ordinary Resolution as follows:  
That the members hereby authorize SSC Managing Committee to negotiate and enter into financial, cooperation  and collaboration agreements with the Serbian Orthodox Church Keysborough as approved by SSC Assembly on  this AGM”;


  1. To consider and, if thought fit, pass the Special Resolution to amend the SSC’s Constitution (as set out below). NOTICE is further hereby given that at the AGM the business of the meeting will include considering and, if  thought appropriate, passing the following Special Resolution

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THAT the members present at this Annual General Meeting, in their collective capacity as the Assembly (being  the supreme governing body of the Serbian Sports Centre Inc.), decided that the amended Constitution of Serbian  Sports Centre Inc. in the form presented to the Annual General Meeting and initialled by the Chairperson of the  Annual General Meeting be adopted as the Constitution of the Serbian Sports Centre Inc. in substitution for and  to the exclusion of the SSC’s existing Constitution, with the effect from the date of this Annual General Meeting,  subject to approval by Consumer Affairs Victoria as the statutory regulator under Associations Incorporation  Reform Act 2012 (Vic)”

Please note:  

This is proposed as a special resolution and must be passed by three quarters of the members who are present at the  meeting and entitled to vote (in person or by proxy) on the resolution, and who do vote, in accordance with section 64 of  the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (Vic)



The general nature and effects of the changes in the new Constitution are referred to in the summary of the proposed new  Constitution which is set out below: 

  • to generally update the language, provisions and layout of the Constitution in keeping with the currentlegislative  provisions, SSC needs and contemporary standards
  • To amend the relevant parts of the Constitution including but not limited to the following: 

o To adopt amended objects and purpose of SSC to bring it in line with present times and contemporary aims of the  members of the Serbian community; 

o To adopt the new rules regarding categories and procedure for acceptance of the new members of SSC; o To adopt the new rules, subject to the Act, regarding power to do all things incidental or conducive to achieve its purposes including powers and responsibilities to . 

acquire, hold and lease real or personal property; 

open and operate accounts with financial institutions of SSC choice; 

invest its money in any security in which SSC monies may lawfully be invested; 

raise and borrow money on any terms and in any manner as it thinks fit; 

secure the repayment of money raised or borrowed, or the payment of a debt or 


appoint agents to transact business on its behalf; 

enter into any other contract it considers necessary or desirable; 

o To adopt new rules in order to secure that exercise of its powers and use of its income and assets (including any surplus) shall only be in pursuance of SSC purpose. 

o To adopt the new rules regulating status of the Sections within SSC; 

o To adopt the new rules regarding operation and structure of Managing Committee; 

o To adopt the new rules in regards of termination of SSC membership; 

o To adopt the new rules in relation to winding up or cancellation of SSC. 

  • Copies of the full text of the proposed new Constitution are available for inspection on the SSC’s FB and website. Please note that this Explanatory Message to Members is not to be taken in any way as affecting the wording of the  proposed Constitution, but is provided to inform members of what is proposed and to draw attention to particular  matters.  
  • The Committee acknowledges that there are specific matters in the proposed Constitution which will be of interest to  members and the Committee invites members to peruse the proposed Constitution and if members have questions or  concerns, members are advised to direct those to the SSC Secretary for consideration by 20th March 2021.  
  1. THAT the members at this Annual General Meeting nominate, vote and elect the members of the new Management  Committee; 
  2. THAT the elected members of the Management Committee immediately direct the elected Secretary to take all  necessary steps to cause and effect a notification and recording of any change of office holders with Consumer Affairs  Victoria and to submit the Constitution as amended and adopted by members at AGM for approval and registration  by Consumer Affairs Victoria. 

All inquiries shall be directed to the SSC Secretary, Goran Nikolic by E-mail or by  post to SSC, 310-322 Perry Road, Keysborough VIC 3173. 

Date of notice: 28/02/2021 


Secretary Goran Nikolic for Management Committee of Serbian Sports Centre Inc.

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