Premijer Novog Južnog Velsa g. Majk Berd uputio je svim građanima ove države najlepše želje za predstojeće božićne praznike. Čestitku na engleskom jeziku koju je dostavio Srpskom Glasu donosimo u originalu:
As we come together to spend quality time with family and friends this holiday season, it is my great pleasure to wish Serbian Voice readers a Merry Christmas.
Millions of people in NSW will celebrate Christmas and the festive season in their own special way, in the safety and security of a society that cherishes the free practice of faith.
At this joyous time we recognise the universal messages of peace, love, compassion and goodwill, and give thanks for our blessings.
As we reflect on the past 12 months, the NSW Government has continued to deliver new schools and hospitals, to provide our younger generations with access to quality education, and protect the sick and vulnerable.
The largest capital works program in state’s history is well underway, including projects such as Sydney Metro, WestConnex and NorthConnex, which have allowed thousands of people to secure new jobs or retrain in new skills areas.
We have achieved many things together and it was wonderful to celebrate the Lunar New Year and Diwali with my friends in the community, attend the annual Harmony Dinner, and become the first serving NSW Premier to visit Israel.
I wish all Serbian Voice readers a happy and safe holiday season.